Data protection

Data Privacy Statement

The privacy of your personal data is really important to us. That is why we want you to accept our data privacy statement.

Personal information

All personal data sent to Attersec are processed according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Information like your Name, E-Mail address, address as well as other personal information are only processed for a clear purpose, stored secured and is never sent to a third party.

Personal data usage

Your personal data is processed for the following purposes:
– to contact you
– for creating an offer and other order procedure tasks
– to perform all contractual agreed services

Our provider automatically collects and stores information on the web server, such as your browser, your operating system, IP address, time of access, etc. This information can not be assigned to a specific person without checking other data sources and we do not evaluate these data further as long as they are not illegal.


Cookies are small files that allows this website to store user specific information on the user’s computer while our website is being visited. Cookies help us to determine the number of users as well as their frequency on our website.